About Me
- Jennie
- A Computer Science major. This is my blog for sharing my random thoughts on books, writing, studying, videogames, and more.
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Monday, September 30, 2013
I've been really into otome games for a while now. In case some of you might not know what these are, they're games primarily aimed at females. That's literally the meaning behind the name (it translates as "maiden game"), but seriously, anyone can play them. So why do I love these types of games? They can be entertaining and fun, and yeah, some can be cringe-worthy but some have quite amazing stories. Not all of them are visual novels either, some are simulation games, while others are full RPGS (which I love!!). I've decided to make a section here on my new blog about these games. I actually just finished playing one on my PC, so there should be a post coming up soon about it. I hope whoever reads this section enjoys it!
Labels:Otome Games,Video Games | 0
Thursday, September 26, 2013
This will be my blog for anything and everything random! This includes Nanowrimo, which i guess I'll be participating in. Gosh, I haven't written fiction in years. I'm so nervous!! ^^ Anyhow, I guess I'll post playthroughs of my video games and reviews/rants on them (or just me fangirling over them). And then there's my reading, which I'll post about too. And lastly, my life as a grad student!! I think this will be fun if I stick to it. XD
Labels:Nanowrimo,Personal,Updates | 6
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